
Zeal Featured in JobDiva’s Blog: Boosting Candidate Experience with Streamlined Contracting

April 5, 2024 – The candidate’s experience has never been as much of a priority for staffing organizations as it is today. Yet many companies are still missing the mark by solely focusing on the candidate’s direct interactions with recruiters. Although implementing ATS and onboarding tools has significantly improved this process, drafting and finalizing contracts still tend to be a bottleneck.

To achieve real transformation, it is important to bring candidate-facing solutions and internal process optimization together. One way to do this is by using collaborative solutions like ATS, onboarding tools, and CLM that integrate perfectly, like JobDiva and Zeal. These tools can help streamline contract workflows, leading to faster and more efficient outcomes.

Data shows that the hiring process largely affects the candidate’s final decision about a role. Ironically, many staffing agencies recognize back-end inefficiencies, but these remain unresolved. A high percentage of job seekers report negative experiences, reducing the organization’s access to top talent. And even if everyone sees this challenge, the question remains: how do we solve it?

The current challenges surrounding the recruiting process


Adoption of tools that optimize the internal workings of the recruiting process (beyond candidate-facing solutions) remains low. Ironically, many organizations are aware of these inefficiencies that negatively impact their processes, yet fail to take concrete steps to address them. As a result, nearly 60% of job seekers have had unsatisfactory experiences.

Technological advances have significantly improved this process, yet many gaps prevent organizations from reaching a cohesive approach. The stages of the candidate journey often operate in isolation, resembling disconnected islands in a vast sea of solutions.

Individual tools are not enough to create a smooth and efficient process because there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The real impact comes from seamlessly integrating different solutions. The value of software integration and synergy in an organization’s candidate experience process is just as important as the tools themselves. Imagine a city with many highways, but no bridges to connect them. Similarly, tools that easily blend together or work in harmony can bridge gaps and enhance the overall efficiency of the candidate’s journey.

One critical pain point that is not often addressed lies in contract drafting, where slow communication between departments creates a frustrating limbo for shortlisted candidates. This ‘radio silence’ undermines their experience, forcing them to rely on periodic check-ins with recruiters. Implementing tools to accelerate and streamline this process is the most cost-effective and efficient path forward. Implementing JobDiva and Zeal, for example, offers a systemic solution, contrasting with the fragmented nature of traditional candidate experience initiatives that focus on isolated touchpoints.

CLM: Efficiency and Candidate Experience


At first, the relationship between a candidate’s experience and CLM may seem like a stretch; however, these tools provide an edge over outdated processes at almost every touchpoint of the contracting process. For example:

  • Time management: CLM tools offer structural solutions that eliminate delays and uncertainty in the contract process. This means no more waiting days for manually drafted agreements or chasing down approvals. A staffing agency using CLM can send an offer letter out within hours of a verbal agreement, while competitors relying on manual processes could take days. This speed and efficiency directly impact the candidate’s experience, keeping them engaged, and solidifying their favorable impression of the organization.

  • Read more here.

Catherine Luna
Catherine Luna